Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How To Remedy Tired And Puffy Eyes

You can get rid of tired-looking and puffy eyes by taking advantage of your immediate resource -- your kitchen. Here's how.

Sleep is an important part of any person’s life.  It allows you to recuperate from your tiring day and recover whatever rest you need to get, in order to be ready for another day of challenges.  Unfortunately, not everyone can get enough sleep, some even occasionally lose sleep. 

One undesirable effect of lacking enough rest and sleep is having tired and puffy eyes.  Fortunately for you who cannot get enough sleep, there are certain home remedies that you can use to help soothe and prevent tired and puffy eyes.  Here are a few hints on how you can go about doing just that.

1) Use cold facial creams.

Using cold facial creams can do wonders for your tired and puffy eyes because the cold reduces the swelling, while the facial cream helps your skin become better.  Store your facial creams inside the refrigerator to have that cool effect.  And once you apply the cream, you can see the result almost instantly, mainly because of the combination of the cold and the facial cream.

2) Use cucumbers.

Cucumbers are also a great way to help soothe and heal your tired and puffy eyes, more especially if you use it while it is ice-cold.  The use of cucumbers as a remedy for tired and puffy eyes is well-known and is considered to be very effective in reducing under eye swelling. 

It is also effective in making your tired eyes look so awake and bright.  Just cut the cucumber into thick slices, place them over your eyes, and just sit back, relax and let the cucumber do its thing.  Wait until the cucumber is warm before replacing it or removing it.

3) Keep yourself hydrated.

If your body is not hydrated well enough, it will hold on to any water that it can retain, causing your body to swell.  Avoid the puffiness caused by your body’s water retention by keeping yourself hydrated.  Drink at least 8 glasses of water each day and avoid letting your body become dehydrated.  If you keep your body nourished enough, you will be able to avoid making your eyes look tired and puffy.

4) Use cold fruits.

Aside from using vegetables, such as cucumbers, as remedies for your tired and puffy eyes, you can also use certain fruits to help you soothe them.  Strawberries, for example, are also a great way to help remedy your tired eyes, especially if you use them while they are ice-cold.  Just like the cucumber, slice the strawberries into thick slices and place them over your eyes while you relax.  You will basically get the same effect.

When using home remedies for tired and puffy eyes, just make sure that you exercise caution since you are using these home remedies near or around your eyes.  Some people may have different reactions to different forms of home remedies and treatments, so just make sure that your skin has no allergic reaction to the remedy that you chose whatsoever.

Author: Julieta Chin. All rights reserved.