Sunday, February 13, 2011

How to Reduce Your Craving for Junk Food

Junkfood is never healthy, that's why it is named so. However, it can be pretty tasty, thus, explaining your constant cravings. Here are some ways to control your junkfood cravings and make sure you go down the healthy path.

Trying to live a healthy lifestyle can be very difficult to do, much more sustain it, especially if you constantly give in to your cravings for junkfood.  It really doesn't take a genius to know that junkfood is, well, junk, and has close to zero nutritional value. This alone should be reason enough for you to limit consumption.

However, junkfood can also be very enticing, so, it's not a surprise when you sometimes find yourself giving in. Worry no longer, though, as there are several ways you can rein in your junkfood cravings and, maybe, eventually, keep them away permanently.

1) Ignore them.

Although this is not as simple as it may sound, simply ignoring your cravings is not necessarily a bad idea.  Whenever you are starting to crave for junkfood, just try and not think about it and divert your attention to something else.  If you just ignore it, it hopefully will just go away.  Just like any other addiction, you just need to stay away from it long enough until your body gets over the cravings.  They won’t last for very long, so just be patient.

2) Substitute with healthy snacks.

One way of reducing your craving for junkfood is by simply substituting it with another type of snack.  Instead of eating chocolate chip cookies, why not try eating oatmeal cookies.  Try to satisfy your craving by substituting your unhealthy snack with a healthy one.  You can munch on fruits and carrot sticks whenever you have the urge to buy a big bag of chocolates and candies.  Instead of eating what you are craving for, make a conscious decision to go for something healthier. 

3) Drink lots of water.

If you drink lots of water everyday, you will always have that feeling of fullness.  And if you always feel that you are full, then you can reduce the chance of craving for something to eat; thus, limiting the opportunity for your craving for junkfoods to take effect.  If you do not feel hungry, then your body will not have a need to want to take in more food. 

4) Allow yourself to have junkfood every once in a while.

This will help you get over your cravings and, at the same time, stop you from indulging in them too much.  You cannot eliminate a craving completely, but you can, however, moderate your intake of unhealthy food.  By indulging yourself every once in a while, you can limit how much junkfood you eat.

5) Break the habit.

Try to get used to not eating when you are not really hungry.  Break this habit of consuming junkfood whenever you feel the craving for it by not indulging in it completely.  Once you get it out of your system, you will not seek it as much.  If you really can’t stop yourself, just try having a taste of it, and then put it away. Do not indulge.

6) Eat like a king at breakfast, a queen at lunch, and a pauper at dinner.

This method of eating ensures that you only consume the amount that you need for your activities.  You need to eat a lot of food in the morning so it can sustain you throughout the day.  You only need to consume a moderate amount of food for lunch since you already have consumed a lot of food in the morning.  In the evening, however, you only need to consume a very minimal amount of food since you will not do any strenuous activities at that time. 

7) Eat a lot of small-quantity meals.

In this method, you only need to eat a lot of small-quantity meals in a day.  You just need to consume a small proportion of food in every few hours.  This will help you reduce your cravings since you are constantly eating.  If you are constantly eating, then you won’t have any time to feel a craving for junkfood. 

There are a lot of ways in which you can reduce your craving junkfood, and all of these methods require patience and determination.  If you want to succeed, the best thing to do is to practice self control, and just keep your junkfood intake in moderate proportions.

Author: Julieta Chin. All rights reserved.

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