Friday, February 18, 2011

How to Build Six-Pack Abs in Six Weeks

Getting six-pack abs in six weeks may sound like an impossible feat, but it's actually very achievable -- with a lot of hard work, that is. Here's how.

The beach is the haven of the water babies and the ultra svelte. You could almost see it while watching yourself in the mirror. Girls are going gaga, guys are getting jealous and cover pages feature your hard-rock Michelangelo-sculpted abs of granite. Then you return to reality and look at the wobbling belly staring right back at you. Is it possible to be in such tiptop ab condition in such a short time? Yes.

It’s going to work, but it’s not going to be easy. You have to catch up and pay for months of sedentary living and unhealthy eating by changing your activity, rest hours and diet patterns drastically, if you want to sport your six-pack washboard abdominals. You’ll definitely be more confident and stunning just in time when the beach opens. Here’s how to do it in six weeks.

1. Goals.

Get a notebook and a pen and start jotting down your main goals: diet, exercise and rest. You have to make an initial assessment to chart your progress as you go along your workout and diet regimen, to know how well you’re doing and in what areas you’re slacking off. Take measurements of your waist, record your weight and take a picture of yourself stripped down to the waist as motivation to get you started on and stuck to the program.

2. Diet.

Most experts would say that abs are 15% exercise and 85% nutrition. Every person has abs but it’s just that fat tends to accumulate mostly in the abdominal area and the waist (which is why you can’t see yours). Your goal is to strip off the fat that’s covering your abdominals. That can be greatly helped with a proper low-fat diet.

Eat small yet full meals six to eight times a day to boost your metabolism. Each meal must comprise at least one gram of protein per pound of your bodyweight, complex carbohydrates from rice or oatmeal, and fat not exceeding ten percent of your total calories. Avoid starchy, processed and junk foods, as these hoard a lot of extra calories that will only be stored as fat.

3. Cardiovascular exercise.

Remember that there is no thing as spot reduction and even if you do thousands of crunches and sit-ups, fat will be burned equally throughout your body.

Fat only begins getting burned after forty minutes of continuous physical activity, so the smarter thing is to do cardiovascular exercises. Keep your metabolism up to keep burning fat by doing physical activity at around forty to sixty heartbeats higher than your normal rate. Do cardio on a machine or outdoors, as long as it keeps you from getting bored.

4. Weight-bearing exercises.

Train and work out your abs just like any other body part or you’ll risk overtraining them. Choose two or three abdominal exercises and do three sets of fifteen repetitions with increasing poundage of each. You may start by doing crunches without weights for your first set, then holding a five-pound plate on your chest for the second and a ten-pound plate for the third. Follow with leg raises while sitting on a bench and increase the poundage by holding a dumbbell between your two ankles.

5. Other drastic measures.

You may consider getting surgery to take off the fat or taking supplements to enhance fat burn, but it is always advisable to lose excess weight the natural way to avoid health complications. Consult your physician and family before embarking on anything outside what is normal.

Remember that your abdominal muscles can only grow while you’re at rest, so get adequate sleep of at least eight to ten hours a night. It’s also better to do your cardio right after your weight-bearing exercises to maximize time consumption. See you in six weeks!

Author: Julieta Chin. All rights reserved.

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