Friday, February 11, 2011

How To Prevent Heat Stroke During The Summer

Heatstroke is very common during the summer, but with the right habits, it can be prevented. Here are some ways you can keep feeling refreshed during this season.

People can seriously experience some heat-related health problems during the summer, especially if it is hotter than usual.  Heat strokes are always a possibility of happening to anyone who is unable to prevent it.  In the summertime, the chance of heat stroke happening to someone is intensified since the temperature is very high. 

In order to prevent heat stroke from happening to you, you need to take heed of certain measures and factors that will help give you a better chance of avoiding it. The point is this: extreme heat during the summer is normal and even inevitable, but heatstroke is something that you can get away from. Here are a few hints on how you can prevent heat stroke during the summer. 

1) Take cold baths and showers.

One way of avoiding heat stroke is to keep your body cool.  You may do this by taking long, cold baths and showers to keep your temperature from rising too high.  This is the most practical thing to do, especially if you do not have swimming pools or beaches near your home.  If you feel that your body is beginning to become very hot, then take a cold bath and shower to cool down.

2) Drink plenty of water.

Drinking plenty of water is also a great way to cool off and stay hydrated and refreshed.  This is very useful, especially if you are out with some friends, or if you are in a place wherein you cannot take a cold bath or shower.  As long as you keep your body hydrated, you should be fine.  It helps if your drink is ice-cold.  This will help your body even faster.

3) Wear light.

Avoid wearing clothes that are too heavy, and those with fabrics that do not allow air to breathe through.  Instead, wear clothes that are lightweight, so you won’t have a hard time walking around with your friends.  Also, avoid wearing clothes that absorb heat, like clothes that are dark-colored, or fabrics that are made of synthetic fibers or wool. These are the materials that tend to absorb extra amounts of heat. 

4) Avoid tiring yourself out.

Whenever you are outside and exposed to the sun, try to avoid tiring yourself out too much.  This will greatly increase your chances of getting a heat stroke.  Instead, pace yourself by walking slowly, or by moving in a normal, regular manner.  Avoid moving around too much. 

5) Air conditioning.

One best way to avoid heat stroke is to avoid the heat altogether.  One good way of avoiding the heat is by going to places that are very cool, like the mall, or the movies.  Go to places that have air conditioning, especially if you do not have one in your home.  Just a few hours of air conditioning a day can help you cope with the heat.

There are a number of ways that you can prevent heat stroke during the summer. You just need to figure out which ones you can do.  It is important to remember that you cannot completely avoid extreme heat, but you can certainly prevent heatstrokes from happening to you or any member of your family.

Author: Julieta Chin. All rights reserved.

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