Sunday, February 20, 2011

How to Remove Dandruff for Good

Dandruff can both be very embarrassing and physically unhealthy. However, if you take care of your hair and scalp well enough, you won't have to deal with this problem. Read on and find out how.

Dandruff can be very embarrassing. You can be at the top of your game looking like a million dollars but still have those ugly white specks on your shoulders. Dandruff is a dermatological condition characterized by itchy and flaking scalp. Its true cause is unknown but there are a lot of things that you can do to avoid or stop it.

Simply put, dandruff indicates unhealthy scalp or the skin on your head. If your scalp is not in good condition, then your hair as well may not look or grow the way you intend it to. The condition is not permanent or long term if you provide the right treatment approaches. Here are some tips on how to remove dandruff for good.

1. Wash.

Do not allow your scalp to become too dry or oily because this environment usually is what produces dandruff. Regularly wash and shampoo your hair with a specially designed shampoo for dandruff. Washing your head twice a day will prevent flaking as well as remove existing ones. Make sure you slowly massage your scalp and hair roots, working into lather. Leave the shampoo in for five to ten minutes or as indicated and repeat as necessary. Rinse your hair and scalp thoroughly after and dry very well.

2. Hair products.

Perhaps you’re using too many hair products at one time. The combination of too many chemicals and ingredients can dry your scalp. Excessive drying of your scalp can eventually cause flaking or even an anaphylactic reaction so be very careful about the products that you’re using. Even a lone product can cause dandruff so observe a new product for a few days before you decide to regularly use it.

3. Diet.

By eating foods that keep your skin healthy, you also will end up with healthy scalp free of dandruff. Consume food sources and supplements rich in omega-3 fatty acids, B-vitamins and zinc. These provide the essential oils and nutrients needed by your hair for adequate moisture. Your scalp could be a potential habitat for a fungus known to thrive in environments rich in fat and sugar. Avoid too much of these food sources.

4. Rest.

Make sure you get enough sleep of eight to ten hours a night to keep your body fully rejuvenated. Stress can cause a variety of conditions, including dandruff. Keeping your entire system rested will promote blood circulation to your scalp, making it healthy. Also, don’t fret too much about your present condition because it usually takes two weeks before you notice results.

5. Medication.

Ketoconazole is the most common treatment against dandruff. It is highly recommended that your shampoo has this ingredient. Herbal remedies may also prove effective in eliminating dandruff permanently. Rinse your scalp with apple cider vinegar mixed with water. White vinegar or lemon juice also make great alternatives as these loosen and remove dead skin and excess oils in your scalp, also called sebum.

While you’re under treatment, you may want to wear light-colored clothing to cloak the flaking. If treatment does not work in a month or you notice anything unusual besides flaking and itchiness, consult your doctor immediately to diagnose other potential skin problems.

Author: Julieta Chin. All rights reserved.

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