Thursday, March 3, 2011

How to Deal with Sore Eyes

Sore eyes, aside from being embarrassing, are also contagious. Here are some tips on how to deal with sore eyes and several methods for treatment.

Nothing can be more scary or embarrassing than a couple of sore eyes. You haven’t gotten anywhere yet but it’s a sure thing that everyone’s going to be avoiding you. A lot of myths have been surrounding sore eyes. The more popular one says that you can get contaminated by looking at another person straight in the eyes. This is never true.

Sore eyes also known as conjunctivitis is an infection commonly caused by the bacteria staphylococcus or streptococcus. You can acquire it if your eyes get in contact with contaminated objects or body parts like your hands. As much as it is troubling, do not fret so much because everything’s temporary. Here’s how to deal with sore eyes.

1. Soothe.

Common symptoms of sore eyes are heat sensation, bulging and irritation in the area. Wash sore eyes with cool water, apply cold compress and keep them closed for fifteen minutes. Do not attempt to rub your eyes as this will only make them redder. It is possible that only one eye is red and infected while the other one remains okay. Avoid spreading contamination by using a clean handkerchief or tissue paper to dab the tears off your affected eye. Never touch the unaffected eye to prevent bacteria from transferring.

2. Sleep.

Sleep will keep your eyes well rested and rejuvenated. Blood circulation also rushes to the area during sleep and eradicate bacteria and other irritants. You may place a cool cloth or cold compress over your eyes as you sleep. Try to keep your hands to yourself even if it itches. Get at least ten hours of uninterrupted sleep a night to hasten recovery.

3. Clean.

Do your best to protect your eyes from exposure. Wear thick dark sunglasses to minimize possible swelling if your eyes strain too much from the glare of the sun. Also stay away from dust-filled areas that may worsen your condition. Never apply soap or other cleansing agents and only use cool running water to cleanse your eyes.

4. Medication.

Eye drops can soothe constricted vessels in your eyes and minimize swelling and redness. Be careful when instilling eye drops and put two drops in each eye. They may sting especially during the first time. Some products can also be poisonous if swallowed so never let it get close to your mouth. Antibacterial ointments are also available to directly eliminate bacterial presence and rid of the irritation for good. Do not let the medication container touch your eyes.

5. Be calm.

When you wake up one morning and see your bulging red eyes, do not panic and quickly cleanse them. To avoid embarrassment while being in public places, wear thick dark glasses to cover them up. If you follow the right treatment regimen, they’ll probably lighten and feel more eased after two days and completely be gone before week’s end.

If the problem does not get better after one week or if it worsens, seek medical attention at once. Never self-medicate and always ask your doctor to recommend the right treatment for your case. Also know the right agencies to contact in case of emergency like anaphylactic reaction or poisoning.

Author: Julieta Chin. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How to Quickly Treat Fever

Are you suffering from a fever? Before you rush yourself to the hospital, there are ways to treat the illness yourself. Here are some tips on  how to quickly treat fever.

Fever is the most common symptom known to man. Contrary to popular belief, it is not a disease but a characteristic of an existing one. You should not think that fever is bad since it is a defensive mechanism of your body to fight invading microorganisms. Heat is always associated with fever as your body raises the inside temperature trying to fry pathogens.

On most occasions, fever makes you feel weak, tired and nauseous. Sometimes fever can rise to very high temperatures causing seizures and shock to patients. It is important that you maintain fever at a manageable level or treat it completely if proper medications are already present to fight pathogens. Here’s how to quickly treat fever.

1. Cool off.

Ask someone to prepare a cool sponge bath. It’s good to place water in a basin then adding ice chips to lower the temperature. Use a sponge or small towel to rub your body with. Remember to wring the sponge or towel after each dip in the basin. The idea is to promote surface cooling on your skin through conduction of cold temperature. It is vital that areas with large arteries which are generally loaded with blood are cooled off to have an overall effect. Rub areas like the neck, armpits and groin or inner thigh.

2. Air out.

Many people make the wrong move of putting on too much garments and blankets during fever. This will only increase your body temperature more. Wear light and loose fitting clothing and stay in a well-ventilated room. It is important that you remain in a cool environment since your body is generating too much heat. Air-conditioned rooms and fans are okay.

3. Fluids.

Drink a lot of water to flush out mucus and clear your entire system. Adequate hydration also promotes blood circulation and system cooling which greatly reduces fever. Drink at least ten glasses of cool water per day. Ginger ale and citrus juices are also effective for tissue recovery and fighting off pathogens.

4. Diet.

Eat lots of fruits and vegetables to facilitate healing and blood circulation. Citrus fruits are very effective in alleviating fever and other associated symptoms. Do not diet during fever and eat as much as you like. It’s also good to eat cold treats like ice cream or cold cuts to lower your body temperature.

5. Rest.

Sleep is one of the key elements in treating any kind of disease. Make sure that you get enough sleep every night of eight to ten hours. You may also nap during midday to reduce migraines and feelings of weakness associated with fever.

6. Medication.

Antipyretic medications will be the cornerstone of your treatment regimen. Ibuprofen, paracetamol, analgesics and anti-inflammatory agents are some of the most commonly used drugs in treating fever. These directly act on the pain receptors inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis thereby reducing pain sensations, weakness and body heat.

Always consult your doctor if your fever lasts for more than three days. An underlying disease may be present which needs proper diagnosis and treatment. Avoid straining your eyes so much with too much light or reading or your headaches may intensify.

Author: Julieta Chin. All rights reserved.

Monday, February 28, 2011

How to Effectively Treat Diarrhea

Diarrhea may seem like a mild condition, if there's nothing important going on, that is. But once it kicks in while you're in the middle of a major meeting, it's trouble. Here's how you can effectively treat diarrhea and keep it away for long.

Diarrhea seems to occur under the direst situations. You suddenly have a bad tummy just when you’re about to give a report or get ready for a cramped plane ride. There are several causes of diarrhea although the most common stems from ingestion of wrong foods inadequately absorbed by the digestive system. Don’t let the episodes get to you though.

You can quickly and effectively treat diarrhea with a variety of methods. Since the condition is generally triggered by abnormal or frequent intestinal contractions characterized by loose soft stool, you have to approach the situation and cut the problem by the root. Here are some quick and easy steps.

1. Water.

Drink a lot of water especially during the first twenty four hours of diarrhea. Aim for ten to twelve glasses. Water will effectively flush out gastric irritants causing the intestinal disorder as well as add more bulk to the stool making it more firm in composition. Water also improves circulation in the digestive system which will enhance its function to properly transit stool through the bowel. Physicians usually advise patients to drink only water or clear fluids on the first day of diarrhea to check the stool for blood.

2. Diet.

Avoid fatty and oily foods at this point as these may tend to soften your stool more. These are also considered trigger foods that irritate the gastric pouch and intestinal tract thereby intensifying the contractions and hastening bowel movement.

The BRAT diet, consisting of banana, rice, applesauce and toast is specifically recommended by health professionals to add bulk to stool as well as improve intestinal movement and function. Diarrhea may also be caused by bacterial imbalances in your gut flora so you may take yogurt with live cultures to maintain the right digestive environment.

3. Medication.

Antispasmodic agents are relatively effective in directly soothing and relieving intestinal contractions. Once the muscular contractions have stopped, bowel movement will relax thereby transporting stool at a fairly normal level. Some medications or vitamin overdose may also be the cause of diarrhea so have your physician review all the current drugs you’re taking. Once you embark on a medication regimen, religiously stick to it and do not abruptly stop unless you’re physician advises you to do so or you experience adverse side effects.

4. Physician.

If you observe anything unusual like blood in your stool or presence of worms, seek medical help immediately. If you’re experiencing severe pain along with your diarrhea episodes or your condition persists for more than a week, you should let your physician assess you thoroughly to provide the proper interventions.

Some instances of diarrhea are merely a symptom of a graver underlying disease so be more observant about other associated symptoms. Your physician will most likely perform a series of laboratory tests to confirm your condition. Infants and young children with diarrhea should immediately be brought to the physician.

Sometimes the traditional methods of approach for diarrhea may not work for every individual. Try changing your diet if you still experience the same problem once in a while. Herbal medicines have also been proven to alleviate intestinal contractions as well as reduce episodes.

Author: Julieta Chin. All rights reserved.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

How to Effectively Treat Constipation

Constipation can give you a very hard time and can be extra stressful if you're in the middle of an important event. Here's how you can effectively treat constipation and end your "grunting" worries.

Having problems with hard lumpy stools? You’re experiencing constipation. Constipation can be measured by consistency of the stool or the frequency of bowel movement. Individuals with the problem may only pass stool once or twice per week. The process of passing stool itself tends to be very difficult and at times painful. It’s still not the end of the world for you though.

Treating constipation can be very simple and easy. You only got to have a little knowledge about the whole mechanism and the causative factors that can lead to or aggravate your condition. With a little change in your usual habits, you can effectively and quickly treat constipation. Here are a few simple steps.

1. Diet.

Constipation is generally caused by very slow or absent intestinal contractions which make it hard for stool to pass through. Although physiologic differences may cause the disorder, chronic dietary issues are more common. Avoid processed foods, baked products and oily and fatty sources as these impede the proper formation of stool.

Instead, add more fruits and vegetables in your diet as well as soluble fiber either in raw form or supplementation. These help in the formation of a more consistent and lubricated stool for easier transit. Some high-fiber food sources also flush and cleanse the intestinal tract.

2. Schedule.

Instead of your usual three big meals, eat smaller frequent meals four to six times a day. This will aid in proper digestion of food as well as not tax your digestive tract too much. Too much ingested food at one time will only cause excess moisture to be reabsorbed in the feces, aggravating constipation episodes. Do not eat anything before you sleep at night.

3. Water.

Adequate hydration can do wonders for your constipation. Increase your intake for three to four days by two to three extra glasses of water. So you have to drink at least twelve glasses per day. Water will help lubricate stool for easier passage. It also provides more blood circulation to the digestive tract which will enhance intestinal contractions, making room for stool to pass through.

4. Exercise.

Physical activity will also improve blood circulation to the digestive system, improving its function of transporting stool through regular bowel movement. Exercise will also relieve your feelings of stress and heaviness from the straining. Do some form of cardiovascular exercise at least three times a week for at least thirty minutes at each session.

5. Rest.

Stress can cause constipation by tensing the intestinal muscles hampering the gastric reflex responsible for proper stool formation. Soothe intestinal contractions and pain by sleeping at least eight to ten hours every night. Adequate rest periods will also heal and rejuvenate damaged tissues caused by constant straining during constipation episodes.

6. Medication.

Gut motility enhancing agents and laxatives are generally effective in directly acting on the digestive tract to improve bowel movement. Be cautious in taking over-the-counter medications and always follow the stipulated guidelines and dosage accordingly. Consult your physician before embarking in any medication regimen and always observe for side effects.

In any case wherein you feel uncertain about an aspect of your constipation, seek medical attention immediately. Do not attempt to treat a condition which is unknown to you to prevent further injury and complications.

Author: Julieta Chin. All rights reserved.

Friday, February 25, 2011

How to Take Care of Your Teeth Braces

Teeth braces are not a very pretty sight, althought their long terms benefits are fantastic. In the meantime, you can reduce the hassle by learning to take care of them properly. Here's how.

Teeth braces are basically a nuisance to your beautiful smile but you have to admit they are a boon in the long term. You have to know how to take care of your teeth braces to make sure that they serve the purpose of keeping your teeth alignment intact and well-set. By not adequately attending to them or not wearing them properly, you only risk having a poor set of teeth and more years of brace wear.

Taking care of your teeth braces is simple and easy. You don’t have to spend a lot of time and money to keep them clean and fixed. Some people may only stay on them for a few months with the right preservation and caring techniques. By following a few steps you can make sure that your teeth braces will only last as short as possible until you have a perfect smile to flash all on your own. Here’s how.

1. Clean.

It is vital that you keep your teeth braces very clean to make sure that they’re free of bacteria that may only worsen your current condition. Soak them in clean water for fifteen to thirty minutes twice a day or whenever they’re not in use. You may also wrap clean tissue paper around them. Make it a habit that whenever you brush your teeth, you also clean your braces with a different soft-bristled toothbrush. If you have the type which cannot be taken off, brush your teeth braces along. Make sure you rinse and gargle well to take out all tartar and stuck food particles.

2. Chewing.

Whenever you’re chewing, do not let hard or semi-hard food particles come into contact with your braces or you risk bending or breaking them. Use your molars or the teeth at the back portion of your mouth for chewing. Never chew on objects like pens, pencils or junk food wrappers. Be very careful about chewing gum and corn as these can easily get stuck in between your braces and are very difficult to completely remove.

3. Keep it in place.

Avoid keeping on touching or picking on your teeth braces. Also do not keep removing them. Better yet, only take them off when you’re about to eat and return them immediately after you brush your teeth after meals. The fastest route to getting off your braces is to wear them at all times. If you keep taking them off for fashion reasons, you’re only delaying progress and adding more time to stay on them.

4. Dentist.

It is highly unadvisable to repair or modify your teeth braces on your own. The safest thing to do if you feel your braces tightening or hurting your teeth and gums so much is to go to your dentist. Your dentist will effectively make the necessary adjustments to make sure that you have the best-looking teeth in the fastest time possible. Be sure to go to your scheduled appointments every time so that your progress will be faster and smoother.

You can learn how to love being on teeth braces by adding color and design to your own set. Instead of feeling unattractive and nerdy, you can simply accept the whole new image. You’ll be surprised how your new look can also be quite flattering over time.

Author: Julieta Chin. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How to Teach Your Teenage Child to Quit Caffeine

Caffeine is a good wakeupper, but it can be dangerous when taking in extreme amounts. If your teenager is a caffeine addict, it may be time to take some action. Here's how.

For the past several days you may have noticed that your teenager has had too much caffeine. She practically takes one cup of coffee after another during late night study sessions and two more before she leaves for school. She might need the extra boost sometimes, but you’re getting worried that addiction may be starting to kick into her system, so you decide to take action.

Caffeine is a drug that can cause addiction if consumed in above average quantities. As adults you may be taking it at most twice in your coffee but your teenage child may be mesmerized by the alerting effects, as well as the feeling that she is becoming mature by being allowed to take it. You must take responsibility to help your child quit caffeine. Here’s how.

1. Goals.

Your child may not realize it early on but begin by helping her set goals for transition to rid of the addiction. You may want to ask her how many cups of coffee she’s taking daily and setting the goal by reducing two cups a day then gradually taking one more cup off per week. The goals must be realistic and attainable for your teenager and give her time to create her own personal preferences. Let her write down and enumerate these goals.

2. Expectations.

Discuss with your child what to expect while she’s quitting caffeine. Tell her that although she may feel more vibrant and alert while taking more coffee, the fact is her system sooner or later will begin to deteriorate because of the adverse effects.

Give her your expectations as a caring parent that you wish her to do well in her studies, her social life and her family relationships and that she can succeed without the need for caffeine. Also stress the withdrawal phase as your teenager may experience unpleasant sensations which may encourage her to stop quitting but remind her that all these are part of her recovery.

3. Consequences.

Your teenager, at one point, may debate that the advantages of caffeine weigh more than the expected consequences. Simply tell her that she is actually taking a drug and that by consuming large amounts of it, she doesn’t even realize that she’s becoming addicted and that she won’t be experiencing adverse effects until later. Give her some risks and diseases associated with high caffeine consumption like anxiety, insomnia, weight gain or loss, dependence, loss of focus and tooth discoloration.

4. Guide.

Your role as a parent is to monitor your child throughout the transition, to make sure that she stays on track to successfully quit the habit. Teenagers are prone to peer pressure so she may be tempted to take caffeine again during times when you’re not around.

Provide opportunities for your child to prevent her from wanting to take caffeine like taking her to the ice cream parlor instead of a café or giving her gum or juice when she tells you she wants to drink a cup of coffee. Stick little thoughtful signs on places around the house like the fridge or her closet door which can help her stay motivated to quit completely.

Remember to maintain open and honest communication with your teenager at all times. Let her know that you understand her condition and that she should approach you if she wants to discuss anything or ask for help.

Author: Julieta Chin. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How To Take Care Of Your Tattoo

Your duty to your new tattoo does not end with the application process. You will need to take care of it well after it is attached so you don't develop problems with infection and other complications. Here's how.

Getting a tattoo is no joke.  It takes a lot of preparation to be able to choose a tattoo design, and an even harder preparation period to finally go through with the whole tattooing process.  However, your responsibility and work does not end there.  In order to make the best out of your tattoo, you need to know how to be able to take proper care of it.  A lot of things can still go wrong with your tattoo. An infection could follow, especially if you do not take good care of it.  Here are a few helpful hints on how you can take care of your tattoo.

1) Remove the wrap.

Once you are done with getting your tattoo, make sure that you remove the protective wrap that the artist has placed over your tattoo.  It is advisable that you remove the protective wrap from an hour or two up to 12 hours of being wrapped in order to avoid any infection that may be caused by prolonged wrapping.

2) Wash your tattoo.

Some people do not wash their tattoo for fear of it coming off.  This is not a good idea since you constantly need to keep your tattoo and the area around it clean in order to avoid any infection.  Wash your tattoo with soap and water, and rinse briefly.  Do not hold your tattoo under running water.  Just make sure that you clean the tattoo enough to remove whatever ointments or dirt that may be on your tattoo. 

3) Avoid the sun.

Do not expose your tattoo to the sun too much.  Too much exposure can cause your tattoo to itch a lot, and can cause your tattoo’s color to change or fade.  Whenever possible, try to avoid the sun, and keep your tattoo in the shade until it has fully healed.

4) Do not wear constrictive clothing over tattoo.

Wearing clothing that constricts over your tattoo tends to irritate your tattoo, causing it to itch and increases its tendency to become infected.  Make sure that you allow your tattoo to breathe even if you are wearing clothes that will cover them.

5) Leave it alone.

Never scratch or pick your tattoo, especially while it is healing.  You may damage the quality of the tattoo.  Just allow your tattoo to heal, and don’t attempt to do anything to it while it is healing, aside from putting ointment on it. 

6) Avoid soaking your tattoo.

Soaking your tattoo in swimming pools, bathtubs, and hot tubs should be avoided as well, since soaking your still healing tattoo will change its quality and color. 

Be sure that you take care of your tattoo as it is healing.  If something should go wrong with your tattoo, you will be forced to live with it since tattoos are permanent. 

Author: Julieta Chin. All rights reserved.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

How to Remove Dandruff for Good

Dandruff can both be very embarrassing and physically unhealthy. However, if you take care of your hair and scalp well enough, you won't have to deal with this problem. Read on and find out how.

Dandruff can be very embarrassing. You can be at the top of your game looking like a million dollars but still have those ugly white specks on your shoulders. Dandruff is a dermatological condition characterized by itchy and flaking scalp. Its true cause is unknown but there are a lot of things that you can do to avoid or stop it.

Simply put, dandruff indicates unhealthy scalp or the skin on your head. If your scalp is not in good condition, then your hair as well may not look or grow the way you intend it to. The condition is not permanent or long term if you provide the right treatment approaches. Here are some tips on how to remove dandruff for good.

1. Wash.

Do not allow your scalp to become too dry or oily because this environment usually is what produces dandruff. Regularly wash and shampoo your hair with a specially designed shampoo for dandruff. Washing your head twice a day will prevent flaking as well as remove existing ones. Make sure you slowly massage your scalp and hair roots, working into lather. Leave the shampoo in for five to ten minutes or as indicated and repeat as necessary. Rinse your hair and scalp thoroughly after and dry very well.

2. Hair products.

Perhaps you’re using too many hair products at one time. The combination of too many chemicals and ingredients can dry your scalp. Excessive drying of your scalp can eventually cause flaking or even an anaphylactic reaction so be very careful about the products that you’re using. Even a lone product can cause dandruff so observe a new product for a few days before you decide to regularly use it.

3. Diet.

By eating foods that keep your skin healthy, you also will end up with healthy scalp free of dandruff. Consume food sources and supplements rich in omega-3 fatty acids, B-vitamins and zinc. These provide the essential oils and nutrients needed by your hair for adequate moisture. Your scalp could be a potential habitat for a fungus known to thrive in environments rich in fat and sugar. Avoid too much of these food sources.

4. Rest.

Make sure you get enough sleep of eight to ten hours a night to keep your body fully rejuvenated. Stress can cause a variety of conditions, including dandruff. Keeping your entire system rested will promote blood circulation to your scalp, making it healthy. Also, don’t fret too much about your present condition because it usually takes two weeks before you notice results.

5. Medication.

Ketoconazole is the most common treatment against dandruff. It is highly recommended that your shampoo has this ingredient. Herbal remedies may also prove effective in eliminating dandruff permanently. Rinse your scalp with apple cider vinegar mixed with water. White vinegar or lemon juice also make great alternatives as these loosen and remove dead skin and excess oils in your scalp, also called sebum.

While you’re under treatment, you may want to wear light-colored clothing to cloak the flaking. If treatment does not work in a month or you notice anything unusual besides flaking and itchiness, consult your doctor immediately to diagnose other potential skin problems.

Author: Julieta Chin. All rights reserved.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

How to Effectively Eliminate Cough

You can eliminate cough fast through several ways. You can either go the natural, everyday route, or take to the popular medications to cure it. Here's some advice.

Unlike other kinds of symptom, cough can be embarrassing. It doesn’t only annoy you but also the people around you as well. Cough is not a disease but a manifestation of a present one. It is the normal action of the body to clear the lower respiratory tract of mucus, dust particles and other irritants. It’s actually a defense mechanism so learn how to work with it.

Cough can be productive or non-productive. The former includes phlegm and mucus which generally traps particles to be cleared out during coughing episodes. The latter doesn’t involve any mucus and takes faster to recover. You will basically feel an itch in your throat before you cough which signifies that something is irritating your respiratory tract. Here’s how to effectively eliminate cough.

1. Water.

Proper hydration can sufficiently flush and rid your throat of excess mucus and food particles that may be stuck. It also softens hardened phlegm which will be delivered straight for digestion. Increase your fluid intake when you have a cough. Aim for at least ten glasses per day.

2. Lozenges.

These sweet tablets are very effective in treating dry cough. Their mechanism of action is to generally coat the throat and preventing dryness. Dryness can irritate the respiratory tract so suck on lozenges for ten to fifteen minutes. Keep the tablet in your mouth or under your tongue. Do not bite, chew or swallow it for maximum results.

3. Salt.

Salt or sodium tends to retain water which can be very effective in treating a dry throat. Fill three-fourths of a glass with water as warm as you can tolerate to put inside your mouth. Add two tablespoons of salt and mix until the granules completely dissolve. Gargle thoroughly and try to reach the farthest area down your throat. You’ll expel mucus and phlegm as you spit between gargles. Continue gargling until all the mix has been consumed.

4. Posture.

Proper posture can help facilitate drainage of extra mucus. Maintain an upright position to keep a constant gravitational pull inside your throat. If you’re going to sleep, it may help to keep your head tilted or maintain a twenty five degree angle at least.

5. Cough.

Help your body get rid of excess phlegm and mucus by doing coughing exercises. Cup two hands over your mouth and slowly give small coughs to move the mucus upward. Expel it out with a big ending cough.

6. Medication.

Cough syrup basically coats your throat, loosens phlegm and mucus and soothes the respiratory tract by eliminating irritants. If your cough stems from an infection, you may also need to take antibiotics. Always ask your physician for the right medication and dosage to avoid side effects and overdose. A lot of herbal plants are also effective in treating your cough like thyme, green tea and eucalyptus.

Immediately seek medical attention if you observe something unusual with your coughing episodes. Presence of blood, cough lasting more than one month and a variety of associated symptoms with the cough is not normal.

Author: Julieta Chin. All rights reserved.

Friday, February 18, 2011

How to Build Six-Pack Abs in Six Weeks

Getting six-pack abs in six weeks may sound like an impossible feat, but it's actually very achievable -- with a lot of hard work, that is. Here's how.

The beach is the haven of the water babies and the ultra svelte. You could almost see it while watching yourself in the mirror. Girls are going gaga, guys are getting jealous and cover pages feature your hard-rock Michelangelo-sculpted abs of granite. Then you return to reality and look at the wobbling belly staring right back at you. Is it possible to be in such tiptop ab condition in such a short time? Yes.

It’s going to work, but it’s not going to be easy. You have to catch up and pay for months of sedentary living and unhealthy eating by changing your activity, rest hours and diet patterns drastically, if you want to sport your six-pack washboard abdominals. You’ll definitely be more confident and stunning just in time when the beach opens. Here’s how to do it in six weeks.

1. Goals.

Get a notebook and a pen and start jotting down your main goals: diet, exercise and rest. You have to make an initial assessment to chart your progress as you go along your workout and diet regimen, to know how well you’re doing and in what areas you’re slacking off. Take measurements of your waist, record your weight and take a picture of yourself stripped down to the waist as motivation to get you started on and stuck to the program.

2. Diet.

Most experts would say that abs are 15% exercise and 85% nutrition. Every person has abs but it’s just that fat tends to accumulate mostly in the abdominal area and the waist (which is why you can’t see yours). Your goal is to strip off the fat that’s covering your abdominals. That can be greatly helped with a proper low-fat diet.

Eat small yet full meals six to eight times a day to boost your metabolism. Each meal must comprise at least one gram of protein per pound of your bodyweight, complex carbohydrates from rice or oatmeal, and fat not exceeding ten percent of your total calories. Avoid starchy, processed and junk foods, as these hoard a lot of extra calories that will only be stored as fat.

3. Cardiovascular exercise.

Remember that there is no thing as spot reduction and even if you do thousands of crunches and sit-ups, fat will be burned equally throughout your body.

Fat only begins getting burned after forty minutes of continuous physical activity, so the smarter thing is to do cardiovascular exercises. Keep your metabolism up to keep burning fat by doing physical activity at around forty to sixty heartbeats higher than your normal rate. Do cardio on a machine or outdoors, as long as it keeps you from getting bored.

4. Weight-bearing exercises.

Train and work out your abs just like any other body part or you’ll risk overtraining them. Choose two or three abdominal exercises and do three sets of fifteen repetitions with increasing poundage of each. You may start by doing crunches without weights for your first set, then holding a five-pound plate on your chest for the second and a ten-pound plate for the third. Follow with leg raises while sitting on a bench and increase the poundage by holding a dumbbell between your two ankles.

5. Other drastic measures.

You may consider getting surgery to take off the fat or taking supplements to enhance fat burn, but it is always advisable to lose excess weight the natural way to avoid health complications. Consult your physician and family before embarking on anything outside what is normal.

Remember that your abdominal muscles can only grow while you’re at rest, so get adequate sleep of at least eight to ten hours a night. It’s also better to do your cardio right after your weight-bearing exercises to maximize time consumption. See you in six weeks!

Author: Julieta Chin. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How To Remedy Tired And Puffy Eyes

You can get rid of tired-looking and puffy eyes by taking advantage of your immediate resource -- your kitchen. Here's how.

Sleep is an important part of any person’s life.  It allows you to recuperate from your tiring day and recover whatever rest you need to get, in order to be ready for another day of challenges.  Unfortunately, not everyone can get enough sleep, some even occasionally lose sleep. 

One undesirable effect of lacking enough rest and sleep is having tired and puffy eyes.  Fortunately for you who cannot get enough sleep, there are certain home remedies that you can use to help soothe and prevent tired and puffy eyes.  Here are a few hints on how you can go about doing just that.

1) Use cold facial creams.

Using cold facial creams can do wonders for your tired and puffy eyes because the cold reduces the swelling, while the facial cream helps your skin become better.  Store your facial creams inside the refrigerator to have that cool effect.  And once you apply the cream, you can see the result almost instantly, mainly because of the combination of the cold and the facial cream.

2) Use cucumbers.

Cucumbers are also a great way to help soothe and heal your tired and puffy eyes, more especially if you use it while it is ice-cold.  The use of cucumbers as a remedy for tired and puffy eyes is well-known and is considered to be very effective in reducing under eye swelling. 

It is also effective in making your tired eyes look so awake and bright.  Just cut the cucumber into thick slices, place them over your eyes, and just sit back, relax and let the cucumber do its thing.  Wait until the cucumber is warm before replacing it or removing it.

3) Keep yourself hydrated.

If your body is not hydrated well enough, it will hold on to any water that it can retain, causing your body to swell.  Avoid the puffiness caused by your body’s water retention by keeping yourself hydrated.  Drink at least 8 glasses of water each day and avoid letting your body become dehydrated.  If you keep your body nourished enough, you will be able to avoid making your eyes look tired and puffy.

4) Use cold fruits.

Aside from using vegetables, such as cucumbers, as remedies for your tired and puffy eyes, you can also use certain fruits to help you soothe them.  Strawberries, for example, are also a great way to help remedy your tired eyes, especially if you use them while they are ice-cold.  Just like the cucumber, slice the strawberries into thick slices and place them over your eyes while you relax.  You will basically get the same effect.

When using home remedies for tired and puffy eyes, just make sure that you exercise caution since you are using these home remedies near or around your eyes.  Some people may have different reactions to different forms of home remedies and treatments, so just make sure that your skin has no allergic reaction to the remedy that you chose whatsoever.

Author: Julieta Chin. All rights reserved.

Monday, February 14, 2011

How To Relieve Stress Without Taking Any Medication

You don't need to pop a pill every time you feel stressed. There are several natural methods to help you cope. Here are some of them.

Stress can affect how a person performs in his or her work, and even how he deals with his personal and social life.  It is a part of people’s daily lives because it is in their work and in their homes.  Thus, it is important that people learn how to relieve their stress, in order to be able to perform better.

Stress relief can be sought through a number of methods, one of which is by taking certain kinds of medical antidepressants and the like.  Unfortunately, not a lot of people have the luxury of being able to afford medicines for stress relief.  It’s a good thing that there are a lot of other alternatives out there that are easier on the pocket and safer to employ.  Here are a few hints on how you can relieve stress without taking any medication.

1) Relax.

Whenever you are beginning to feel stressed out, take a few minutes of your time to relax.  Stop whatever you are doing and forget about work just for a few minutes.  Close your eyes and visualize yourself in a place where you can imagine yourself relaxing, like the beach.  Picture yourself indulging in your solitude and relaxing.  After a few minutes of doing this, open your eyes and go back to work.

2) Exercise.

Exercising is a good way of relieving stress, since it allows you to expend the energy that you are feeling in your body when you are not in the mood.  Release your negative energy by diverting it to another activity in the form of exercises, like running or swimming.  This is a great way of busting your stress since you use the energy you have from your stress to help eliminate it. 

3) Breathe deeply.

Whenever you feel stress increasingly taking over your body, you should the time to relax for a few minutes and take deep and slow breathes of air.  It is amazing how breathing air in and out of your lungs in a rhythmic, slow manner can help you feel better. 

4) Rest.

Getting enough rest and sleep can do wonders on your body’s ability to cope with stress.  You should allow your body to recuperate from your tiring day, so that when you wake up, you will be up and ready to handle the next challenges that will come your way next.  This will help you deal with the stress that will come in the future, since you allowed your body to recover from the last one. 

5) Seek help.

If things are just too hard on you, you can always ask help from people whom you know will be able to help you relieve some of the stress that you are feeling.  Sometimes, just talking about the thing that stresses you out can help you get over it. 

Stress is a normal part of our lives, and it usually comes in the time where we least expect it.  Preparing yourself to properly deal with these types of situations can help you handle them a whole lot better and saner when they do occur.  You don’t even need to take medications in order to help you relieve some of the stress that you are feeling. The natural method of living a healthy lifestyle and keeping a positive mind will do just fine.

Author: Julieta Chin. All rights reserved.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

How to Reduce Your Craving for Junk Food

Junkfood is never healthy, that's why it is named so. However, it can be pretty tasty, thus, explaining your constant cravings. Here are some ways to control your junkfood cravings and make sure you go down the healthy path.

Trying to live a healthy lifestyle can be very difficult to do, much more sustain it, especially if you constantly give in to your cravings for junkfood.  It really doesn't take a genius to know that junkfood is, well, junk, and has close to zero nutritional value. This alone should be reason enough for you to limit consumption.

However, junkfood can also be very enticing, so, it's not a surprise when you sometimes find yourself giving in. Worry no longer, though, as there are several ways you can rein in your junkfood cravings and, maybe, eventually, keep them away permanently.

1) Ignore them.

Although this is not as simple as it may sound, simply ignoring your cravings is not necessarily a bad idea.  Whenever you are starting to crave for junkfood, just try and not think about it and divert your attention to something else.  If you just ignore it, it hopefully will just go away.  Just like any other addiction, you just need to stay away from it long enough until your body gets over the cravings.  They won’t last for very long, so just be patient.

2) Substitute with healthy snacks.

One way of reducing your craving for junkfood is by simply substituting it with another type of snack.  Instead of eating chocolate chip cookies, why not try eating oatmeal cookies.  Try to satisfy your craving by substituting your unhealthy snack with a healthy one.  You can munch on fruits and carrot sticks whenever you have the urge to buy a big bag of chocolates and candies.  Instead of eating what you are craving for, make a conscious decision to go for something healthier. 

3) Drink lots of water.

If you drink lots of water everyday, you will always have that feeling of fullness.  And if you always feel that you are full, then you can reduce the chance of craving for something to eat; thus, limiting the opportunity for your craving for junkfoods to take effect.  If you do not feel hungry, then your body will not have a need to want to take in more food. 

4) Allow yourself to have junkfood every once in a while.

This will help you get over your cravings and, at the same time, stop you from indulging in them too much.  You cannot eliminate a craving completely, but you can, however, moderate your intake of unhealthy food.  By indulging yourself every once in a while, you can limit how much junkfood you eat.

5) Break the habit.

Try to get used to not eating when you are not really hungry.  Break this habit of consuming junkfood whenever you feel the craving for it by not indulging in it completely.  Once you get it out of your system, you will not seek it as much.  If you really can’t stop yourself, just try having a taste of it, and then put it away. Do not indulge.

6) Eat like a king at breakfast, a queen at lunch, and a pauper at dinner.

This method of eating ensures that you only consume the amount that you need for your activities.  You need to eat a lot of food in the morning so it can sustain you throughout the day.  You only need to consume a moderate amount of food for lunch since you already have consumed a lot of food in the morning.  In the evening, however, you only need to consume a very minimal amount of food since you will not do any strenuous activities at that time. 

7) Eat a lot of small-quantity meals.

In this method, you only need to eat a lot of small-quantity meals in a day.  You just need to consume a small proportion of food in every few hours.  This will help you reduce your cravings since you are constantly eating.  If you are constantly eating, then you won’t have any time to feel a craving for junkfood. 

There are a lot of ways in which you can reduce your craving junkfood, and all of these methods require patience and determination.  If you want to succeed, the best thing to do is to practice self control, and just keep your junkfood intake in moderate proportions.

Author: Julieta Chin. All rights reserved.

Friday, February 11, 2011

How To Prevent Heat Stroke During The Summer

Heatstroke is very common during the summer, but with the right habits, it can be prevented. Here are some ways you can keep feeling refreshed during this season.

People can seriously experience some heat-related health problems during the summer, especially if it is hotter than usual.  Heat strokes are always a possibility of happening to anyone who is unable to prevent it.  In the summertime, the chance of heat stroke happening to someone is intensified since the temperature is very high. 

In order to prevent heat stroke from happening to you, you need to take heed of certain measures and factors that will help give you a better chance of avoiding it. The point is this: extreme heat during the summer is normal and even inevitable, but heatstroke is something that you can get away from. Here are a few hints on how you can prevent heat stroke during the summer. 

1) Take cold baths and showers.

One way of avoiding heat stroke is to keep your body cool.  You may do this by taking long, cold baths and showers to keep your temperature from rising too high.  This is the most practical thing to do, especially if you do not have swimming pools or beaches near your home.  If you feel that your body is beginning to become very hot, then take a cold bath and shower to cool down.

2) Drink plenty of water.

Drinking plenty of water is also a great way to cool off and stay hydrated and refreshed.  This is very useful, especially if you are out with some friends, or if you are in a place wherein you cannot take a cold bath or shower.  As long as you keep your body hydrated, you should be fine.  It helps if your drink is ice-cold.  This will help your body even faster.

3) Wear light.

Avoid wearing clothes that are too heavy, and those with fabrics that do not allow air to breathe through.  Instead, wear clothes that are lightweight, so you won’t have a hard time walking around with your friends.  Also, avoid wearing clothes that absorb heat, like clothes that are dark-colored, or fabrics that are made of synthetic fibers or wool. These are the materials that tend to absorb extra amounts of heat. 

4) Avoid tiring yourself out.

Whenever you are outside and exposed to the sun, try to avoid tiring yourself out too much.  This will greatly increase your chances of getting a heat stroke.  Instead, pace yourself by walking slowly, or by moving in a normal, regular manner.  Avoid moving around too much. 

5) Air conditioning.

One best way to avoid heat stroke is to avoid the heat altogether.  One good way of avoiding the heat is by going to places that are very cool, like the mall, or the movies.  Go to places that have air conditioning, especially if you do not have one in your home.  Just a few hours of air conditioning a day can help you cope with the heat.

There are a number of ways that you can prevent heat stroke during the summer. You just need to figure out which ones you can do.  It is important to remember that you cannot completely avoid extreme heat, but you can certainly prevent heatstrokes from happening to you or any member of your family.

Author: Julieta Chin. All rights reserved.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

How to Prevent Dengue Fever in Your Neighborhood

Dengue chooses no victim. Here's how you can protect you and your family and keep those dangerous mosquitoes at bay.

Dengue fever is a vector-borne disease most common in tropical regions, specifically in Southeast Asia. But even if you live in the western hemisphere, learning how to rid your environment of the causative factors can help eliminate other potential vectors, as well. An infected female Aedes aegypti, a mosquito, is responsible for the transmission of the deadly dengue virus.

Internal bleeding is the usual manifestation of the disease as patients’ platelets become significantly low, rendering them unable to clot blood properly. The goal of prevention is to reduce the existing mosquito population. This can effectively be done by destroying potential breeding grounds, as well as killing live ones. Here are some useful ways to prevent dengue.

1. Breeding ground.

Destroy all potential breeding places for the mosquitoes. Since they thrive in environments with stagnant water sources, you should be able to detect these. Take away all sources of standing water, like vases, basins, pails or even cups. If a water source remains stagnant for more than a week, it will likely be inhabited by mosquitoes sooner or later. Sewage and drainage systems must be covered at all times. These also must have a constant flow of water to flush out eggs and mating mosquitoes.

2. Fogging.

This technique is very much the same as spraying your house with insecticide. Fogging kills more mosquitoes, including eggs that haven’t hatched yet. It usually involves insecticide components diluted in water as a machine bombards the gases to potential breeding grounds. Recent technological developments have made it possible for humans to be unaffected by the fog due to less harmful ingredients. Newer versions only poison mosquitoes.

3. Tree planting.

Some species of plants are known to expel natural gases or components that mosquitoes despise. The neem tree is a good example of this. In tropical regions, there has been mass implementation of tree planting in order to battle dengue. These species of trees also grow quickly in less than two years and will have immediate beneficial effects on the environment.

4. Time.

The Aedes aegypti mosquito is usually active during the day and returns to its habitat just before dusk. It would be wise that people steer clear of unknown environments during the active hours to prevent transmission. Also, it is recommended that people enter the potential breeding grounds late in the afternoon just before dusk to implement the precautionary measures to eliminate mosquitoes.

5. Ward.

Several methods are also available to effectively ward off mosquitoes. You can wear long-sleeved clothing and turtlenecks to keep your extremities and neck from insect bites. A mosquito net may also come in handy during the day. At best, apply mosquito repellant on exposed skin areas to keep all insects at bay.

There is no vaccine or cure for the disease, since it is a virus. Supportive treatment is the best that you can do for anyone who has the condition. Children and infants should be extra careful as they have weaker immune responses compared to adults.

Author: Julieta Chin. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How to Perform CPR

If you're suddenly faced with an emergency, you'd be a better part of the scene if you know how to perform CPR on another person. With the tips below and practice, you just might be able to save someone's life in the nick of time.

Anyone can be hero, even you. First, you have to know CPR or cardiopulmonary resuscitation. There are several organizations around the world encouraging each and every one to have knowledge and skill in performing this vital task. You can immediately attend to any grave situation and save lives, making you the above average human being.

CPR is not complicated and the steps are basically uniform in all parts of the globe. Once you get the groove and proper sequence, it can be easy and automatic for you to perform. However, if you still do not fully trust your skill and knowledge in doing so, never attempt on a live scenario or you’ll only risk giving the patient further injury. Here’s how.

1. Safety.

Even if you’re trying to save another life, you first have to make sure that your safety will not be compromised. Check the scene and surroundings if it’s safe to approach. Look for possible loose electric circuits or hanging debris. If all else is clear, you can slowly approach the person. It is better if you ask someone else near the scene to call for help as you move in.

2. Consciousness.

Once you get near the victim, check for consciousness by tapping or shaking by the shoulder then saying in a fairly loud voice, “Hey! Hey! Are you okay?” If the victim is conscious, put him in a recovery position or sitting position and call for emergency backup. If the victim is unconscious, kneel at his side and place him in a supine position then proceed to the next step.

3. ABC.

ABC stands for Airway Breathing Circulation. First, check and maintain patent airway by tilting the patient’s head as you push his forehead back and lift his chin up. Second, check for breathing by keeping your ear at his mouth to feel air output and observing the rise and fall of his chest for a good ten seconds. Third, check for circulation by feeling his pulse. Place your forefinger and middle finger at his neck or wrist area to look for a pulse. If ABC is present, stay with the patient and wait for help. If none of these three are present, proceed to the next step.

4. Resuscitate.

Give to initial breaths through mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Locate the patient’s xiphoid process which is at the lower center portion of the chest. Place one palm over another with fingers interlocked. Keep your arms straight with your shoulders directly over your hands perpendicular to the ground as you prepare to give chest compressions. Give fifteen chest compressions followed by two breaths then recheck ABC. Do two to three more sets of these, rechecking ABC after each set.

Compress the chest about one and a half to two inches only. CPR can go on until other health personnel takes over the situation, another person who knows the task substitutes for you or you’re too exhausted to continue. The ratio of chest compressions and breaths and compression depth differ for infants and children. Two fingers are used for infant chest compressions while one hand is used for child chest compressions.

Author: Julieta Chin. All rights reserved.

Monday, February 7, 2011

How To Keep Cool During A Heat Wave

Not knowing how to cope with a major heat wave can leave you dull and dehydrated. By applying these sun protection and hydration tips, you're sure to stay up and alert during hot times.

Heat waves can really make problems for people, especially during the summer when the temperature can rise to high levels.  Being able to keep yourself cool will be a difficult task to do, but it is not impossible.  Learn to deal with the heat by knowing what methods to use to keep you cool and hydrated.  Here are a few tips on how you can go about doing just that.

1) Stay in the shade.

Try to minimize your exposure to the sun by staying under the shade.  Make use of curtains or blinds on your windows to keep you away from the heat of the sun.  By avoiding direct contact with it, you are able to minimize the level of heat that your body may encounter during heat waves. 

If you are outside of the house, try to avoid the sun by walking in the shade.  If you can, try to spend the mornings and afternoons inside malls or other places that help cover you from the sun.  Only go out if the sun is not as intense. 

2) Use air-conditioners.

Air-conditioners are a great piece of machinery to have, especially during heat waves or in the summer.  If you have one at home, it's time you crank it up. If you don't, spend most of your time, then, in public places where air conditioning is up 24/7, like malls, theaters, cafes, etc.

3) Keep your room well ventilated.

In order to avoid the heat, especially if your room does not have any air conditioning unit, you should make sure that your room is well ventilated by allowing the air to pass through.  Open the windows to let air in and out of your room.  The more ventilated your room is, the cooler you will feel.  If you keep your windows closed, and you do not have any air conditioning, you are only trapping the heat in. 

4) Stay hydrated.

Water is your best tool against feeling sick during a major heat wave. Drink as many glasses of cool water as you can a day, to stay refreshed and keep you going.

5) Take cold showers.

Taking cold showers is one very effective way of keeping cool, especially during a heat wave.  You can take a quick shower whenever you feel that the heat is too much for you to handle.  You can easily cool yourself this way without any hassle since you can do this in the comfort of your own home. 

6) Install proper insulations.

Make sure that all your water heaters and attics are properly insulated to avoid increasing the amount of heat inside your home.  If you can insulate these areas properly, you can avoid heating up your place from these areas. 

Being able to keep cool during a heat wave can make it easier to bear and deal with.  It allows you to still perform the things that you wish to do without letting the heat impede your ability and performance.

Author: Julieta Chin

Saturday, February 5, 2011

How To Make Your Henna Tattoo Last Longer

Henna tattoos are a great body art and is perfect for those who want to shift designs from time to time. Here's how you can make yours last longer and fade slower.

Henna tattoos are the kind of tattoos that you can get without any fear of it lasting on your body for a very long time. Henna tattoos are not permanent and last only about two to three weeks.  However, if you wish that your henna tattoo would last longer than it normally does, then there are a few factors that you need to take into consideration in order to prolong its life.  Here are a few hints on how you can make your henna tattoo last longer.

1) Avoid sweating too much.

Excessive perspiration can affect the duration of the henna tattoo on your body.  Sweating can cause your skin to exfoliate faster, cutting down your henna tattoo's lifespan.  In order to make it last longer, you should try to avoid sweating over the areas where your henna tattoo is situated.  If it is unavoidable for you to sweat over the tattooed area, you can try to lessen the effect of the sweat by applying an antiperspirant over the area that you want to protect.

2) Avoid the ocean or the pool.

Getting into the pool or the ocean with your henna tattoo will affect its life span.  The more time you spend in the water, the less time your henna tattoo will last.  The duration of your henna tattoo is greatly affected by the frequency of your going to pools and dipping in oceans.  If you cannot avoid the pool or the ocean completely, you can try putting a layer of Vaseline on your tattoo to lessen the effect of the ocean and pool water.  This will help protect your henna tattoo from the chlorine and the salt water that helps in fading your henna tattoo.

3) Avoid too much exposure to the sun.

Just like the ocean and the pool, your henna tattoo’s duration will also be affected with too much exposure from the sun.  The more you expose your henna tattoo to the sun, the faster it will fade away, decreasing the amount of time your henna tattoo will stay on.

4) Avoid washing your henna tattoo.

Constant exposure to water through bathing or washing of hands and body can be a factor in your henna tattoo's duration.  The more times you wash over the tattoo, the less time it will last on your body.  Although it is not possible to not take a bath or wash yourself, try to avoid washing over your henna tattoo too much.  Too much exposure to water can affect your tattoos color and quality.

5) Apply Oils.

One way of making your henna tattoo last longer is by applying oils or Vaseline over your henna tattoo, especially on times when you are about to take baths or showers.  This will give your tattoo a few more days or weeks to last, increasing its life span and even making it fade slower.

Although henna tattoos are not designed to last for very long on your body, you can still help increase its duration for a few more days or weeks by simply following the simple tips that are presented above. Of course, the best thing about them is that once they fade, you can easily get another one of another design right away.

Author: Julieta Chin

Friday, February 4, 2011

What to Do If You Get Bitten by a Dog

Dog bites sound minor. However, you must know that dog saliva contains enzymes that can be potentially deadly over the long term. Here are first aid tips to dealing with dog bites.

A dog bite is never a pretty sight. You have to deal with your emotions first, remain calm and act with your sanity intact to be able to treat the wound. Besides the painful gash, rabies is a grave disease that can kill you, if you do not properly attend to the situation. Some people can acquire the rabies virus several years, apparently unaffected at first, but later on developing adverse symptoms.

Every dog’s saliva contains enzymes that are potentially lethal to the human body. It will take several years before symptoms develop but, once present, are irreversible. You have to know the immediate and appropriate measures in order to save yourself. Here are some steps on what to do if you get bitten by a dog.

1. Stay calm.

An animal attack can leave you bewildered and shocked. Contain yourself after the bite and try to identify the animal because you will need to observe it later on. Do not panic and have the presence of mind to treat your wound at once. Quickly go inside the house to attend to it.

2. Wash.

Find a faucet and let cool running water flow over the wound. Get some soap and wash the wound thoroughly. Keep the water running at all times as you wash it. You may need to reapply the soap two to three times to fully cleanse the area. Rinse thoroughly and dab dry with a clean towel.

3. Medication.

Apply antiseptic lotion and antibacterial cream on the wound to prevent contamination. It is more commonly advised that you do not put any bandages on the wound to hasten healing through air drying. But if you need to, feel free to put on a band-aid or sterile bandage. Larger and deep wounds should be washed the same way with soap and running water, then brought to the hospital for possible stitches and other wound treatments.

4. Consult your doctor.

Always go to your doctor after a dog bite so that he can give you the necessary shots needed to prevent viral contamination or infection. Some individuals are more susceptible to developing infection or diseases after a dog bite, like children, HIV or AIDS patients, organ donors, and the elderly. These people must take extra caution after being bitten to prevent complications.

5. Observe the dog.

There are two reasons why you should observe the dog, both medical and legal. Medically, the dog that bit you should be confined and observed for ten to fourteen days to check if the bite was rabid. Rabid bites will eventually kill the dog in fourteen days, due to the release of enzymes and bacteria. It also indicates that you should take antiviral and tetanus shots to prevent rabies. Legally, you can contact the owner to receive compensation for your injuries.

Wash, reapply antiseptic agents and put fresh bandages over the wound daily. It’s actually easy to prevent being bitten by a dog. Stay away from dangerous and agitated animals and move slowly. It’s better if you bring a stick or stone for protection when passing through unleashed territory.

Author: Julieta Chin

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Prenatal Purchases: How to Shop for Your Baby’s Things

Having a new baby is exciting and requires a lot of preparation. If you're a first-time parent, read on and discover helpful tips to make shopping easier.

As a well-providing parent, you would always want your baby to have everything in the world. However, due to other priorities and, perhaps, financial constraints, you have to learn how to narrow down your list of baby stuff down to the essentials. Even if you’re expecting your baby several months from now, you have to practice shopping the right way.

It’s not difficult to shop for your baby’s things. What’s hard is the impulse that goes with seeing a beautiful item on a store window which you think would look very good on your baby. You have to know the proper way of balancing your impulse, your time as well as your budget in order to provide your baby with the things that will truly be useful in the long term.

1. Make a list.

A shopping list is one thing that can save you a lot of time, money and difficulty in choosing. Make two columns wherein one contains all the necessities while the other contains extravagances. Be sure to finish your necessity column first before moving on to the second. Then, at the bottom, write down your overall budget so you stick to it.

2. By stage.

The stuff you purchase for youR baby will be used in stages, so it will be more convenient to first buy the items that will be used during the first few months of life. Categorize the list from zero to six months, six months to one year and so on. This will help you save more money until more items are needed later on.

For example, you shouldn’t be purchasing walkers as early as now since your baby will begin walking at around ten months to one year. Instead, invest in diapers, feeding bottles and a crib.

3. The essentials.

This should be on top of your list. Include everything you need from the moment your baby arrives home. Diapers, feeding bottles, the crib, clothes, blankets, towels, baby toiletries, mittens and shoes should all be ready by then. You will also need to prepare the nursery months before the baby arrives, because this will be the place where he’ll be spending most of his time.

4. The wants.

Purchase some stuffed toys, chewers, pacifiers, rattles, a mobile for the crib, and other decorations you may want to put in the nursery. Don’t buy too much of these items yet, as your baby may show a liking for a certain type of toy. Buy one or two at the beginning and observe from then on which items you think need to be added. You don’t have to rush purchasing the wants, since your baby won’t really get too uncomfortable without them.

5. Emergency use.

Prepare a first aid kit containing cotton balls, Q-tips, scissors, alcohol and bandages for emergency purposes. You also need to have the basic medications for fever, cough, colds and allergies for primary treatment, if ever your baby experiences adverse reactions.

The strategy for things that are constantly used, like diapers, milk and toiletries is to estimate the number of weeks or days each will last. Refill about one week before you run out. As for feeding bottles, pacifiers and other not consumed but frequently used items, get a new one every month or so.

Author: Julieta Chin

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How To Manage an Internet-Obsessed Teen

The Internet is thing of the present and everyone is practically on it. However, this shouldn't be the reason why you'd allow your teen to wrap her world around it. Here's some helpful advice.

The Internet can, indeed, be addicting. Once you’ve logged on, there’s a small chance you’ll ever want to leave. The Internet has been very effective in providing opportunities a lot different from the real world. Online, you can connect with people from other countries with a click of a mouse and find out about the latest trends with a push of a button.

Teenagers have specifically relied on the Internet as their sole source of information. Some even depend on it for social interactions, which is why it is also considered as a hotspot for sexual predators and opportunists. You have to know how to control your teen, in order to keep her life balanced with the real world, as well as to protect her from the dangers imposed by the Internet.

1. Schedule.

You cannot expect to keep your teenager away from the Internet completely because, as much as the threats are present, the invaluable data still carry a lot of weight. Instead, give your teen one or two hours for research purposes on weekdays and another extra hour on weekends for miscellaneous Internet activities.

At best, set up a firewall and virus scanner to keep your child protected from Internet opportunists. It is highly recommended that you keep the computer in an area where other family members can monitor your teen’s online time.

2. Diversion.

Provide opportunities for your teen to enjoy the real world. Even if the virtual universe seems well-equipped and populated, the joys and excitement of real life are still incomparable. Take your teen out to nature trips or simply spend some time at the park for her to catch some fresh air and appreciate the beauty of the outside environment.

3. Assignment.

Give your teenager assignments to make sure that she doesn’t spend too much time on the Internet. Ask her to do chores daily with spontaneous ones, like letting her help you in the kitchen while you’re preparing meals. Always give her a chance to deviate from her Internet obsession by assigning new tasks.

4. Exercise.

Let your teen take up a hobby or a sport to keep fit. Tell her the consequences of sitting in front of the computer all day. Explain how fat can significantly increase, especially if she remains sedentary. Teenagers are especially mindful about their appearance, so feel free to enroll her at the nearby gym. She’ll also most likely enjoy feeling refreshed and vibrant instead of sulking all day in a lonely room.

5. People.

Introduce your teen to people her age. It may help to bring her along in some social events so she can get to know people whom she can relate with and talk to. Conversation can immediately erase all her thoughts of returning to the virtual world to chat. It’s more exciting to meet real live friends than just waiting for featureless responses from emails and messengers.

It is important that you discuss with your teen the risks involved in spending too much time on the Internet with no specific purpose. Make her aware of the bad influences that some sites may present and the dangerous individuals lurking in certain areas on the Web.

Author: Julieta Chin

Monday, January 31, 2011

How To Help Your Child Deal With Failure

It pains a parent to see his or her child fail. However, you can make the situation less stressful for either of you by teaching him or her to adopt a positive attitude. Here are some tips on how you can do just that.

Whenever a child fails on something, it will have some effect on his or her development in the later stages of his or her life.  Sometimes, the way that a child deals with his or her downfalls and disappointments can determine whether he or she will be able to perform better in his or her future endeavors or not. 

One of the things that you can do to ensure that your child will be able to handle himself or herself later on in the future is if you can help your child deal with failure in the earliest possible time.  Since your child is still young and might not understand the many things that happen with regard to failure, it is your duty as his or her parent to be available to provide support and sound explanations. Here are a few hints on how you can help your child deal with failure.

1) Support your child.

Your child will experience a lot of things for the first time, and he or she will also fail at these things a few times before he or she can get them right.  The only way that you can help your child continue on is by supporting your child in all of his or her endeavors, projects, and performances.  Let your child know that you are behind him or her, whatever may happen in his or her attempts to do or accomplish something. 

2) Maintain a positive attitude.

If you keep a positive attitude about you, you can help your child feel better over his or her failure.  If you show your child that his or her failure is not the death of him or her, then he or she may just be able to see that there are still a lot of things that he or she can do to make up for the failure.  The important thing here is that even if your child fails a lot of times in attempting to do something, you should let him or her know that everything will still be all right, just as long as he or she keeps a positive attitude about it.

3) Never punish your child.

Punishing your child for failure can only make things worse.  You only aggravate your child’s disappointment on himself or herself, and what’s worse is that you are not doing anything to push yourself to do better the next time around.  If your child tries to perform better out of fear, then the result is still not as satisfying for the both of you.  Make sure that you allow your child to make a few mistakes for this is the only way that he or she can learn from it, which is through experience.

4) Surround your child with praise.

Whenever your child fails on accomplishing a particular goal, it is important that you show your child that you value not only the accomplishment of the goal, but his or her performance towards accomplishing the goal, as well.  This will help your child focus not just on the completion of a particular task, but also looks into how he or she performs in trying to complete a task.  This will make him or her feel a little accomplishment even if he or she is not able to fully complete the task.

Children should be dealt with in a more subtle and delicate manner since children are very sensitive and delicate when it comes to their emotions.  Just make sure that you allow your child to learn and develop his or her capabilities on his or her own time, when he or she is ready.  Allow your child to commit a few mistakes every now and then.

Author: Julieta Chin