Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How to Quickly Treat Fever

Are you suffering from a fever? Before you rush yourself to the hospital, there are ways to treat the illness yourself. Here are some tips on  how to quickly treat fever.

Fever is the most common symptom known to man. Contrary to popular belief, it is not a disease but a characteristic of an existing one. You should not think that fever is bad since it is a defensive mechanism of your body to fight invading microorganisms. Heat is always associated with fever as your body raises the inside temperature trying to fry pathogens.

On most occasions, fever makes you feel weak, tired and nauseous. Sometimes fever can rise to very high temperatures causing seizures and shock to patients. It is important that you maintain fever at a manageable level or treat it completely if proper medications are already present to fight pathogens. Here’s how to quickly treat fever.

1. Cool off.

Ask someone to prepare a cool sponge bath. It’s good to place water in a basin then adding ice chips to lower the temperature. Use a sponge or small towel to rub your body with. Remember to wring the sponge or towel after each dip in the basin. The idea is to promote surface cooling on your skin through conduction of cold temperature. It is vital that areas with large arteries which are generally loaded with blood are cooled off to have an overall effect. Rub areas like the neck, armpits and groin or inner thigh.

2. Air out.

Many people make the wrong move of putting on too much garments and blankets during fever. This will only increase your body temperature more. Wear light and loose fitting clothing and stay in a well-ventilated room. It is important that you remain in a cool environment since your body is generating too much heat. Air-conditioned rooms and fans are okay.

3. Fluids.

Drink a lot of water to flush out mucus and clear your entire system. Adequate hydration also promotes blood circulation and system cooling which greatly reduces fever. Drink at least ten glasses of cool water per day. Ginger ale and citrus juices are also effective for tissue recovery and fighting off pathogens.

4. Diet.

Eat lots of fruits and vegetables to facilitate healing and blood circulation. Citrus fruits are very effective in alleviating fever and other associated symptoms. Do not diet during fever and eat as much as you like. It’s also good to eat cold treats like ice cream or cold cuts to lower your body temperature.

5. Rest.

Sleep is one of the key elements in treating any kind of disease. Make sure that you get enough sleep every night of eight to ten hours. You may also nap during midday to reduce migraines and feelings of weakness associated with fever.

6. Medication.

Antipyretic medications will be the cornerstone of your treatment regimen. Ibuprofen, paracetamol, analgesics and anti-inflammatory agents are some of the most commonly used drugs in treating fever. These directly act on the pain receptors inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis thereby reducing pain sensations, weakness and body heat.

Always consult your doctor if your fever lasts for more than three days. An underlying disease may be present which needs proper diagnosis and treatment. Avoid straining your eyes so much with too much light or reading or your headaches may intensify.

Author: Julieta Chin. All rights reserved.

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